
In creating standards in the digital future, we are helped not only by experience, but also by knowledge and competence, which we skillfully combine in teamwork.

Product cardRich content
Product descriptions are a source of valuable information for consumers and, above all, one of the paths to successful sales. Managing them brings considerable ...
Product cardRich content
Product content is an excellent sales resource that gives you the opportunity to learn more about your product line and influence ...
Product cardRich content
The product card appears as the ultimate landing page to effectively sell a product. That is why it is so important to take care of the thoughtful content and design of ...
Product cardRich content
An effectively designed product card increases conversions by up to 30%, as confirmed by AF.lab's neuromarketing research. Product purchase ...
Product cardRich content
What ultimately influenced the finalization of the online transaction? The price, the description, maybe the time to reach the product from a search engine? Different situations and different products probably mean different answers....
Product cardRich content
A product card is a well-thought-out template that consists of various modules. Each of them performs an important the role of ...
Emotions greatly influence customers’ purchasing choices – they determine their preferences and decisions. So they are an important factor ...
Marketing in the pharmaceutical market in Poland is not an easy and quite sensitive job. On the one hand, it is quite difficult to effectively reach medical people, ...
Many years of observing budding trends and “disruptive” technologies have taught me to look at such phenomena with detachment. In the case of ...

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